A review by sarahs_spoilers
Joey by Sadie Kincaid


 🚨 This is not a review. It’s a list of plot events to help me remember the story. Spoilers abound! 🚨 
🌶️🌶️ 🌶️🌶️ +

  • Mafia Romance
  • Brother's Best Friend
  • Friends to Lovers
  • Age Gap
  • Virgin FMC
  • Interconnected Standalone
  • Sooo spicy
  • No Third Act Breakup

  • Joey: Mafia Princess; sister of OVERPROTECTIVE Dante and Lorenzo; 22; Virgin; no life experience bc of brothers; has been in love with Max her entire life
  • Max: Second in charge to Dante and Lorenzo; found family brother - moved in when father was killed; "You're mine"

  • In Dante, Joey was a spoiled, manipulative brat but in Joey, her true personality came out and I loved her - such a bad-ass bitch.
  • Prologue: Max is 20 and wakes up with a dead girl in his bed; he was drunk and on drugs the night before and has always believed he got too aggressive with his hand necklace during their sexy times and killed the girl (Fiona)
  • At the start of the book, a pregnant sister (18) that Max didn't know he had shows up at his apartment bc her father was kidnapped 
    • Dante’s mother cheated on his father with his uncle (his father's brother) and left him and Max to start a new life in NJ; they had a daughter, Kristin, which they never told Max about and only told Kristin about months earlier
  • During the book, the Moretti's are looking for the head of Bratva, their enemy, Pushkin, who has gone underground and they can't find him
  • Joey goes out to a club with her best frenemy, Monique, and her bodyguards, Ash and Henry; Max shows up and he and Joey have sex in an alley; afterwards, he realizes that Joey was a virgin and freaks a little bit; Joey feels rejected bc Max says he can't be the love Joey is looking for
  • Joey goes to Max a few days later and asks him to teach her how to give a b-job so she's not totally experienced when she meets someone; he does but says no man is ever allowed to do that to her 🙄
  • Joey tells Dante and Lorenzo that she's not a child (they've been treating her like a delicate flower her entire life) and she asks to sit in some meetings about a casino they just bought; Max doesn't like this bc he just wants to protect her knowing that she's Joey Moretti and will be always be a target
  • When Max finds her on a date, he takes her to his cabin with him and they spend the night - her brothers show up at his house and freak out on him, telling him he's no longer part of the family and him and Dante fight - Max tells Joey to leave with her brothers
  • Max makes sure Joey knows he didn't reject her but also tells her that he won't be around for a few days (he's going to be searching for his uncle/Kristin's father)
  • Max is kidnapped by some Russians that he doesn't recognize but they do says that he took the girl that belonged to his boss - he thinks it's Kristin even though he's only known her for a couple of weeks
  • Dante and Lorenzo are grilling Kristin about everything she knows and she lies and says she is Max's girlfriend, which Joey hears (and eventually learns is not true)
  • Dante and Lorenzo find Max because he was wearing Joey's pendant, which was actually a tracker (they'd been watching over her for years)
  • Max finally comes clean about Kristin and Vito and his search for him; they find Max's uncle and find out he was taken bc he has a video of Sal (Dante and Lorenzo's father, who Dante killed) killing a girl -- FIONA
    • Max realizes that Sal placed the dead Fiona in his bed to set him up for her murder
  •  They realize when the kidnapper referred the bosses “girl,” they were talking about Joey
  • Joey gets kidnapped (with Monique drugging her) by Pushkin, to whom Sal was going to give her to and he’s come to take what belongs to him
  • She fights her way out and she and Max kill him
  • Joey is given the new casino to run and is a BOSS
  • HEA

  • Her relationship with Kat and Anya - their love for each other and how they stand together and support each other
  • Dante and Lorenzo's love for their wives - especially Lorenzo and Anya
  • Joey running the casino like the bad bitch she is
  • The way Kristin and Jakob look at each other, reminding Max how he looks at Joey
  • Anya’s letter to Lorenzo, which Max reads and is supposed to give to Lorenzo after Anya dies “at the right time”

When I look at her, she’s watching him twitch while the life drains from his body, her lips stretched in a satisfied smile. Not even a flicker of unease or discomfort on her beautiful face. That’s my fucking girl.

“Don’t you ever mistake my wife’s submission to me as anything but a reflection of my utter fucking devotion to her. I would crawl through fire and broken glass on my hands and fucking knees if she told me to. If you ever disrespect her like that again, I will rip out your fucking tongue and use it to choke you to death. You got that?”

I don’t understand why I’m the one being trusted with something as important as whatever this is. 

“You are the right man, Maximo. You love him like a brother, but you see him for the man he is and the man he can be. Read the letter, and then one day I hope you will know when to give it to him.” 

“Anya? Please? This feels too important. What if I fuck it up?

Her frown shifts into a beautiful smile. “You won’t. I promise you that.”

Sitting back on the sofa, I read the words a dying woman wrote to the man she loves more than anything in the world. I am not an emotional man and I never have been, but tears stream down my face as I accept the enormity of what she’s asked me to do.