A review by bunnieslikediamonds
Leonora Carrington: Surrealism, Alchemy and Art by Leonora Carrington, Susan Aberth


I'm not particularly interested in surrealism, but I love Leonora Carrington's paintings. This is a nice catalogue of her works with some biographical facts and a bit of analysis on her art. Colorful life: a staunch feminist, she rejected her British stiff-upper-lip roots, took off to Paris and painted her ass off while banging Max Ernst. After the war there was a stint in a mental institution, before she ended up in Mexico. The book doesn't go deep, but I did enjoy these fun facts about her: her idea of a practical joke was cutting off her over-night guests' hair in their sleep and putting it into their breakfast omelets. Fun! She liked cooking elaborate food, such as hare stuffed with oysters. Awesome! Here's her mesmerizing self-portrait:
