A review by geekery
Cloak and Dagger: Runaways and Reversals by Adrian Alphona, Danny Slott, Emma Ríos, Nick Spencer, Stuart Moore, Brian K. Vaughan, Mark Brooks, Takeshi Miyazawa


This is a collection of one off issues and arcs that Cloak and Dagger appear in, which honestly wasn't what I expected when I requested it from the library. If you're looking to meet Cloak and Dagger for the first time, this isn't a great place to start. But if you've already read their main stories but still want more, this is the perfect collection to find a lot of their minor appearances and cameos without scouring every series Marvel ever published

The quality of the stories themselves obviously varies quiet a bit, and as a whole I would say these one offs are at 3 stars, but the fact that this anthology exists is so incredibly useful

I wish Marvel would do this for every character cause wow is it nice and useful