A review by bibliophilogy
The Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund



My thoughts
Thank you so much to Times Reads for sending me a review copy of this book! However, the review is entirely my own! This book is now available in all goos bookstores so check it out and grab a copy!

Three-word description : sex, friendship, high school
My rating : 4 / 5 stars

This is a story about Keely’s plans to get laid because she is the last virgin in her friend group and she felt like she just needed to get her virginity out of the way. We have a few cliche tropes here but I enjoyed the book very much! It has the best friends to lovers trope and this book is just quite a cheesy rom-com here. It was an easy read and I flew through the book in two days?

Let’s talk about the best friends to lovers trope because it is often a hit or miss for me! I absolutely think this book did the trope justice, I loved the way it was all played out and I really did not expect the ending! It was such a cute read and I love the dynamics between Keely and Andrew! I loved their relationship with each other, both protective of one another and they respected each other, just like how all friendships and relationships should be!

I definitely think this is a sex-positive book, but there was some topics also discussed in the book, I really did not like the slut shaming in this, and the revelation was very shocking to me in the end. (Where is the GWL PWR and girls supporting girls?) This may rub some people the wrong way but it is not okay to slut shame or bully others just because they enjoy their body and proud of it. Having sex is your decision and your decision only, it is okay to have sex and it is okay to not, as long as you are comfortable with your decision!

I think ultimately this is a beautiful story, I love the story as a whole, but just go into the book with the right mindset! This is a great book for teenagers who are unsure of their bodies but I definitely think parents need to guide them to the right mentality, letting them know what is okay and what is not! I’d recommend this to anyone who likes a quick, cheesy, a little cliche but cute contemporary read!