A review by trackofwords
Invocations by Jake Ozga, Justin D. Hill, Lora Gray, Richard Strachan, Steven Shiel, C.L. Werner, David Annandale, Ray Cluley, Nick Kyme, Peter McLean


Black Library’s second Warhammer Horror-branded short story anthology, this features twelve stories from ten different authors, four of which have previously been released as individual digital-only shorts while the other eight are presented here for the first time. All twelve explore the darker corners of the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms, with established names like David Annandale, Justin D. Hill, Nick Kyme and CL Werner joined by newer (to Warhammer) but still familiar authors Lora Gray, Peter McLean and Richard Strachan. Meanwhile Ray Cluley, Jake Ozga and Steven Sheil all make their Black Library debuts.

Depending on your outlook and tolerance levels, these stories aren’t necessarily overtly scary, but rather the sort that leave you feeling uncomfortable, saddened, on-edge or disturbed (sometimes all at the same time), and that stick with you for at least a while afterwards. Taken as a whole it’s not exactly an uplifting anthology, favouring a bleak and dour tone over the excitement, adventure or glory that Warhammer fiction often provides, but then that’s the point really, isn’t it? If you’re interested in exploring the sinister fringes of 40k or Age of Sigmar, chances are this excellent anthology will provide exactly what you’re looking for.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2019/11/30/invocations-warhammer-horror-anthology/