A review by johnlynchbooks
Chasing Ghosts by Glenn Rolfe


Ahh Glenn Rolfe. This man is quickly becoming one of my new favorites. I feel like I'm talking about Glenn Rolfe basically every day for the last month. After reading the poltergeist press re-issue of Blood and Rain I immediately bought Chasing Ghosts and a few other Rolfe titles.

Chasing Ghosts felt to me in the same vein as books such as Off Season by Jack Ketchum and The Woods are Dark by Richard Laymon.

The Cobbs, a family of misfits living in the woods are all but moved on from the area, or so everyone in town thought. New Kid Luke heads off with Jesse and Davey to play a game they call "Chasing Ghosts" at the old Cobb place. Things go horribly wrong, and the violence escalates from here on out.

Chasing Ghosts is a very brisk read, it's a novella, but more so than that it's packed to the brim with violence, blood, and gore. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned Ketchum and Laymon, two authors Rolfe mentions in the foreward. This book is every bit as violent and just as much of a blast to read.

If I HAD to make one complaint about Chasing Ghosts, it would be the length. There are alot of characters in here, none of which are given too much room to develop due to the length of the book and the amount of characters within it. That being said, I don't HAVE to complain about anything, so I will tell you that I saw most of the characters as mere cannon-fodder, sometimes that's a bad thing, other-times, such as with Chasing Ghosts, it serves the story well. I simply mentioned it because I know this is an issue some people had with this book, I didn’t feel the same way.

When it's all said and done, and the book blasts to it's inevitable conclusion, I found myself hoping that Rolfe returns to this world again sometime in the near future.

Chasing Ghosts is a gory, violent romp through the woods. If perversion and violence sound great to you, or if you're a fan of Ketchum and Laymon, you're going to dig this one. If you're not a fan of those two gentleman, I still think you should check this out