A review by bardicbear
The Curious Nature Guide: Explore the Natural Wonders All Around You by Clare Walker Leslie


The Curious Nature Guide is a great book for anyone wanting to reconnect with nature. It is filled with beautiful nature photos and sketches. It is organized into sections titled Begin, Discover, and Connect and each offers ideas on how to explore the natural world around us. The Begin section offers the most basic suggestions like simply taking a few minutes to list everything you can see and hear around you. My favorite idea in the whole book is from this section, making color schemes for each month or season based on what you see out your window. (I have a lifelong obsession with paint swatches and for some reason this sounds SUPER fun.)
Discover involves more involved observations such as naming plants near you, looking for animal tracks, and tracking the weather. If you've been reading my blog for a while it'll be no surprise that my favorite part of this section involves cloud watching.
Finally the Connect section offers suggestions on how to track your observations in a nature journal as well as share them with others. This section also includes suggestions to appreciate nature though nature inspired music and art.
The entire book is peppered with nature facts and quotations and lovely inspiring artwork that makes me wish I could keep that kind of beautiful nature journal. I really enjoyed the entire thing.