A review by slsj_
Perfectly Good White Boy by Carrie Mesrobian


Perfectly Good White Boy is a book about nothing. Literally. And I knew this, as I read the reviews before buying the book, but I still thought there might be an element of sadness to overcome, a plot that kept me reeling in this contemporary world, a point. There was no arch, no real climax, there was no purpose. This book was just words with no objective. I think this was the authors intention, but to me it was just incredibly boring.

This is the story: teen white boy melodramatic Sean lives his life and thinks about sex often. Thats it. There is this alluded backstory that ended up being not as bad as it was perceived really, and a girl who is now in his life that he starts to really care for. But other than that there wasn't much else. There are smaller elements to the story, like how his brother sucks, and he wants to join the Marines but he doesn't know how to tell him family. This was just a story about life. I didn't learn anything new, I didn't laugh until I cried, nothing spectacular happened.

I really thought I would have enjoyed this, and I read it in two sittings. Not because it was amazing and I couldn't put it down, but because I spent the first 70 pages waiting for something to happen and when I realized nothing was going to happen I just wanted to get it over with so I could read something else.