A review by crookedtreehouse
Calexit by Matteo Pizzolo


In times of political crisis, there are people who revel in speculative fiction and essays based on the current reality, and those who prefer to avoid political reality when reading. I am of the latter group. I have had many anti-Trump "satire" comics and books pass, briefly, before my rolling eyes, but they've all been cheap, easy potshots about the stupidity and ego of the current president, his regime, and his followers. This is different.

A story about California after a very Trumplike president takes power. There are no jokes about Californians or small hands or Twitter. This is the story of how a rebellion survives in a xenophobic American west. The major characters are a powerful rebellion leader, someone The President has tasked with subduing the California rebellion, and a delivery driver trying to remain neutral to keep up his business.

I recommend this to fans of DMZ, and people who prefer their political satire more accurate than funny.