A review by sonialusiveira
Beautiful & Terrible Things by Riley Hart


" Life was full of terrible things, full of tragedy, but it was full of so much beauty to. If you focused on the terrible, if you lived in the shadows of fear, you robbed yourself of the beautiful."

I like the message of the story but it is the only thing I like about the book, and perhaps the first part of the story were Joey and Gage were still cute little boys and life was not so f*cked up for them. I felt like the story went downhill from the second part onwards; it sounded too frustrating and depressing, and not in a good way at all. I listened to the audiobook and I think that's the only reason I finished it since I just let the audio played while I multitasked.

Gage and Joey were childhood friend whose dads were in the opposite side of the law - one is the town's very conservative chief police and the other is the town's troublemaker. Despite the odds, the two formed a very unlikely friendship and fell in love which led to a tragedy on the day after Joey's eighteenth birthday. That's when the stupidly annoying plot device of 'I let you go because I love you so much' was introduced and kinda ruined the story for me.