A review by catbrigand
Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside by Cameron Stewart


So this one was hard for me to review. As you can probably tell from the cover, this is a much lighter take on Babs than Gail Simone's issues. At first I didn't think I was going to go for that, but I did, and let me tell you why.

First, the art: it took a bit to get used to but eventually I came to really like it. It matches the lighter tone, and I absolutely love all of Babs's clothes. The attention to that kind of detail is just my thing.

Second, believe it or not, the characterization: so I think it's entirely possible to love Gail Simone's Babs and love this one too. Babs has had a lot on her plate. For a long time she's had to stay strong and steadfast and not think about everything she's going through. This might've been wrong of me but I chose to view this Babs--who forgets to back up her thesis, who can be kind of selfish, who has a little too much to drink--as a direct reaction to Babs-as-she-was. Like...still the same Babs, but this one is either deliberately cutting loose a bit or she's on a crash course as a result of everything she's been through lately. Either way, I found it believable when I thought of it like this.

I have my complaints, though. I still don't understand the part about Babs' algorithm being uploaded, though the result was kind of cool. I don't understand what that would have to do with the motorcycle twins, because they were real people, not products of the algorithm. And I saw the potential for Babs' casual boyfriend to be seriously creepy/a stalker and the story didn't go there, man.