A review by tamitam55
Jantsen's Gift: A True Story of Grief, Rescue, and Grace by Pam Cope


OK, first let me apologize for what I'm about to say. I am NOT a non-fiction memoir reading type of person. I want something to take me away from reality, not bring it closer to home. Now, let me apologize for being that way because Mrs. Cope and Ms. Molloy have opened up my eyes and placed me outside of my box, outside of what I would consider my comfort zone.

I figured that this book would be just an exploration of a woman's grief over loosing her son (Pam, you are a great woman) and how she overcame and boom, happy ending. This book was all of that, and then some more. I learned more by reading this book than I did in most of my history classes. Because the history that Mrs. Cope takes us to is current day. I know, that sounds a little off, but each moment in our life is a part of history in the making.

Pam was able to show me that the things that you wouldn't even imagine are happening in the world. It's part of past history, and also a part of current history that no one wants to hear. It's hard enough to hear of the heartbreak of the past, but then to be made aware that the past is currently being lived, but under the radar. But is it really under the radar or do we put it there to make our lives a little easier to live? I recommend that everyone read this book. I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, out of your little box, and experience what the world really is, through the eyes of a child, a lost and lonely child.

Review posted at: http://yougottareadreviews.blogspot.com/2009/05/review-jantsens-gift-by-pam-cope-with.html