A review by bmg20
House of Gold & Bones by Corey Taylor, Sierra Hahn, Richard P. Clark


My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

House of Gold & Bones is the complete collection of the four-volume comics that coincided with the release of Stone Sour’s double disc release of the same name. It tells the tale of a Human that finds himself in a world of horror with no clear way out.

Being a huge fan of both of Corey Taylor’s non-fiction novels and of Stone Sour’s House of Gold & Bones albums it was too intriguing a concept to pass up. The majority of the illustrations had a raw and unpolished feel and the story itself was a world of fantasy and horror. I loved the creativity behind this and his vision as a whole and would love to see what other concepts he comes up with. A definite for fans of Corey Taylor and Stone Sour.

Check out the book trailer here: http://youtu.be/VSfdLF2ljH8