A review by kaitrosereads
Never Too Late by A. Destiny, Rhonda Helms

Did not finish book.
Never Too Late looked like a fun read and I was really in the mood for one of those. I quickly came to realize though that Never Too Late was not the book for me.

This is going to be a really short review because I didn’t make it very far into Never Too Late. Never Too Late will appeal to a younger crowd. It’s a simple story with a very simple writing style. A little too simple, if you ask me. There was nothing special about the story, the characters, the writing, or the romance. I kept wanting something to happen that would keep me interested but nothing ever did.

The characters were also really immature. Abbey hates Jason for some really dumb reason that I can’t even remember. When they both get the romantic leads in a play, Abbey can barely move past her hatred to work with them. Then of course she starts to see another side of Jason but this is only after she finds out that her best friend likes Jason. There is nothing but immature drama all throughout this book and I just had to stop reading.

Overall, Never Too Late is not a good choice for older readers of YA. It’s not a bad book, it’s just a little too immature.