A review by danarosebailey
Based Upon Availability by Alix Strauss


First let me be fair by saying I didn't finish this book. Maybe it got better.

This was a book club book so I tried to read it, but only made it about 50 pages in.

There was no story problem or inciting incident. I felt no reason to read past what I did. I simply didn't care what happened to Morgan. It was just following her day to day messed up life. She was old enough to have dealt with her issues by the time this book started. There was no spark to making her issues worse. She just came across as sad and pathetic.

I didn't get far enough to learn anything about the other characters.

Someone else in my book club finished the book and said it didn't get any better, so I decided not to finish.

However, the writing was well done. If you read for that, then you might like this book. I wouldn't call it awful or terrible, it just wasn't for me. I didn't connect with the story. But them maybe I missed something.