A review by katetj
Possess by Gretchen McNeil


More reviews can be found at my blog: Nomalicious Reads

Ever since I discovered Possess, I've been dying to read it, I think it might have been at the mention of demonic possession, and banishing (exorcism) bad things back to hell that roped me in.

For some reason I thought that it might be a historical or fantasy, but I'm not complaining that it's set in modern time, it was very well done, and the story was intriguing.

I really like the cover, after the initial 'Woah creepy' I think it's really pretty, especially when you get the Hardcover and its all shiny!

I have a special place in my heart of all things that go bump in the night, and Possess earned a good seat up front, with my other favourites; Gretchen McNeil did a thrilling job.

Strange Powers,
a surge in demonic possessions,
a creepy stalker going haywire,
a yummy boy, that just won't leave her alone,
cryptic messages from the beyond,
a murder and mystery to solve
and being grounded till the end of time.

Life isn't easy for our heroine Bridget Liu, all she wants to do is be normal, but normal just isn't an option that's open for her.

Watching Bridget grow from an unsure teenager with so much on her shoulders into an independent kick-ass demon exorcising heroine, was definitely worth the read! I really hope that there will be a second book, I can't wait to find out more about everything! (I just adored Sammy hahaand wanted to bite a chunk out of sexy Matt Quinn)

Gretchen McNeil is another amazing debut author of 2011 to keep your eye out for in the future! I can't wait to read her next book: Ten, that comes out sometime next year! I love a murder mystery and a good creepy read! It looks very promising.

I give Possess by Gretchen McNeil 5noms, it was extremely appetizing.