A review by articulatemadness
The Hand I Fan with by Tina McElroy Ansa


The Hand I Fan with is a book I've read so many times I can recite passages from it.

Lena McPherson is a lady of prestige in her town of Mulberry, GA. Many readers who follow Ansa's work will remember Lena had a small part in Baby Of The Family. This book though gives us full insight to her initial sadness - Lena was born of a spiritual birth with a caul over her face. Her people didn't believe in that, and burned the caul. Over her life Lena has had remarkable spiritual gifts, but such gifts have limited her from having meaningful relationships with people except for Sister, her best friend. Sister is prety much a high priestess and has been trying to help Lena get a handle on her gifts.

The book picks up steam with Sister goes on a spiritual trip for a couple of months. Before they go they do a ritual trying to conjure Lena up a man. Little do either of them know they summon Herman, Lena's 100 year old ghost of a guardian angel. Herman ain't your typical guardian angel. He's there to love Lena in any way shape or form she needs it, and he gets the job done. Slowly but surely her gifts start manifesting him as flesh and bone, especially as their love thing intensifies. This at least gives her clarity and closure on the deaths of her entire immediate family, and a deeper understanding of the state of affairs in her life, especially pertaining to Herman. But all good things come to an end. In the case of Herman and Lena, the end is just the beginning.

Read it. Starts out slow but if you can make it to the chapter entitled "Love" the pages will turn and it will be over before you know it.