A review by the_novel_approach
Old Acquaintance by Avon Gale


It has been a rough few months for Andrew Starling, but things are definitely looking up in the new year. After deciding to get out of the house and attend the New Year’s Eve celebration at his upscale neighborhood’s club, Andrew meets Elias Rivas and gets the surprise of his life. It turns out Andrew isn’t anywhere near as straight as he’s always thought he was.

Avon Gale does a good job of setting up her little NYE snippet. We learn a little bit about each of the guys: Andrew is a brilliant software engineer whose wife left him for another man, and Elias is a photography student whose confident sexiness proves to be too much for Andrew to resist – and see their EXTREMELY steamy night together. I love how Gale doesn’t do any of the clichéd “I’ve never done this before” stuff (and even gives a nod to that point herself in the manuscript), yet still manages to make it known that Andrew is inexperienced and allows him to be sexy as hell also. And, make no mistake, the sex is on fire. I’m still fanning myself.

There is no real complete story arc here. It truly is just a New Year’s Eve one-shot between a man who could really use both the company and the happy ending to his shitty year, and a waiter with nothing better to do, looking for a hookup. It was completely enjoyable, though, and I absolutely love Avon Gale’s writing. Can’t wait for more from this talented author in 2016!

Reviewed by Jules for The Novel Approach