A review by bookph1le
The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi


This book just did not do it for me, and I loved Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities, which I thought were extraordinary novels. The worlds they depicted were just as harsh and brutal as this one, but this book just left me cold. Some spoilers to follow, so consider yourself forewarned.

When I write a review like this, I feel like I have to throw in a lot of caveats, such as: obviously I don't dislike dark stories just because they're dark, hence my admiration for his YA novels. I don't dislike books with less than savory characters just because the characters aren't bastions of goodness: hence my love of Gone Girl.

There, now that that's out of the way, I can get to the heart of the matter. My issue with this book is that everything about it just feels lurid to me. From the stomach-churningly creative torture scenes to the creepiest sex scene I've read in a long time, this book just seemed to revel in the depraved nature of its world.

I get it. People really, really suck sometimes. But you know what? They also often don't suck. Darkness is okay. Human nature is dark sometimes. What I don't like is nihilism, and this book felt like it tiptoed right on over into that category. I mean, what is the point of stories filled with unremitting, unrelenting darkness? I don't feel like I learn anything from them and, further, I frankly don't find them realistic because, again, people are very capable of being mind-bogglingly selfless, even in the most dire and horrific circumstances.

Sometimes the novel flirts with this concept, but that's all it does, it flirts, and that flirtation ultimately means nothing. In fact, that concept is looked on with some derision, as when Angel watches his favorite TV show and Lucy reveals to him the cynicism that led to its creation. Every time a character in this book does something good or noble or selfless, it comes back to bite them in the end, and I found it exhausting, causing me to limp to the end of this book.

As for the characters in this book, they didn't feel very nuanced to me. I found Lucy and Angel's relationship especially cringe-worthy because it never seemed to rise above the stereotypical, worn woman drawn to the bad boy trope. Lucy in general did not work for me, though I imagine a therapist would have a real field day with that one. Really, you could take every character in the book and boil them down to this: they're selfish. Yes, I think that people are driven by personal motivations and that they'll do awful things if they're struggling to survive, but I can't get past the sameness of every character in this book. They have different names, different genders, different races and ages, but they're all pretty much the same.

I still intend to reach Bacigalupi's other works as Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities grabbed me almost immediately, while this one took me a long time to get into, and then left me slogging my way to the finish. Hopefully, this book was simply an outlier.