A review by teri_b
The Creative Fire by Brenda Cooper


I would say no one writes teenage characters quite as Brenda Cooper does. They are different, they are definitely not YA main stream and they make you think and consider your own reaction to what happens in the book, what your thoughts, your emotion and also your political position would be.

In this first book of the duology we meet Ruby who is on the brink of turning adult as she races with the all the others on this huge ship through space towards their home planet where they have not been for a very long time.

The ship is ruled by a rigid caste system where everybody is quite clearly defined as to who they are and what they can become.

Ruby though, does have music inside herself, a creative fire of its own, and it takes her onto a trajectory through the many layers of this ship that sees her in quite a different place by the end of this first book.

To be clear, I did not like Ruby as a character very much, but the story Brend Cooper tells through her is intriguing, thought provoking and makes you start to think for yourself.