A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019-) #1 by Tom Taylor, Andrew Robinson, Marcelo Ferreira, Juann Cabal


When I first saw that there was another new Spider-Man series coming out…I MAY have rolled my eyes and thought (loudly) to myself “another Spider-Man series?! But we have so many! And they’re so good!”
But then I took some time to think about it. The other series ARE good, so there’s no reason to assume that this one won’t be. The title is pretty cute and quippy. And I like the author. And to top it off, I like Peter Parker, so I was willing to give the second series for him a try.
I’m really glad I did, too. I absolutely loved the first issue of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man. It was fun, it fits in with the timeline of the other series (something that would have driven me nuts otherwise, so yay!) and it was Peter Parker at his best.
It’s probably too soon to say this, but I think Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has a good chance of becoming my favorite Peter Parker series (I love Spider-Gwen too much so say it’d be my favorite spider series, sorry!). I can see the potential at least, and there’s a lot of it.