A review by missnatalieann
The Sinister Booksellers of Bath by Garth Nix


I keep going back & fourth between 3 & 4 stars (the more I type and think through this, the more I think this is a solid 3, because I didn't hate it, I think I just wanted more depth).

Overall I liked it but there were a few things I felt could have been better. The story had a great premise, I always love secret society/(non-government) government entities, and magical realism, but this felt really choppy at some parts. I really could have used a recap of the first book at the start of this one, as it has been years since I had read/listened to the first one I was totally lost for a bit. (However, maybe that was my fault and I should have done a re-read/listen before starting this one?) Once I started to remember some key points from the first one things made a bit more sense. However, I would have liked some more character building, and could have done without the several references to Princess Di all right in a row. Like so much so that, that it is something that sticks out to me after the fact. The ending was kind of anticlimactic and it leaves me wondering if there will be more or if this is it for the series.

If this book was a sandwich I would say it was mostly white bread with random spots of peanut butter and jelly in it. It's tasty when you hit one of those spots, but other than that it's not doing much for you.