A review by droar
Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog


Biographies & autobios are impossible to review without being cruel or over congratulatory. How can you look at someone's life told in their own words & say "meh" it's impossible & I hate it.

I struggled with this book, I think for the style of telling (sort of chronological but also sort of topical), but I am very glad to have read it. Mary Crow Dog led both a remarkable life with her experiences in AIM and her marriage to Leonard Crow Dog & a heartbreakingly unremarkable life growing up and living in poverty on a reservation. She is very real & present in her writing with an extremely down to earth manner that I enjoyed. I think my true sticking issue with this book is that it's constantly referencing things or mentioning bits of the story that we haven't gotten to yet, like you need to know her story before you read her book to truly get some sections. It's certainly not a book ruining flaw, but it was frustrating at times. Regardless of that & despite it not being the most engaging or engrossing book I've read this year Lakota Woman is very worth my time and yours.