A review by asmushy
Requiem for the Devil by Jeri Smith-Ready


Rating: 4.25/5

I never thought that one day I would say this, but I think that I'm having a serious case of "Sympathy For The Devil".

This book... Seriously, I have no idea how to write down my feelings about it. It tricked me so many times that I don't trust myself with my thoughts right now; the author did a fine job misleading me everytime I thought I knew which way the story was going, but then she would take an entirely different path, leaving me breathless and gasping until the very end.

And my GOD, what was that ending?! It should have been predictable, and yes I was rooting for him to have his way and for his plan to work, but he is the Devil, so why should he...

See? even now I'm confused..

It goes without saying that the story of Lucifer "Lou" and Gianna is one I'm not ready to forget anytime soon.