A review by kb_208
The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence M. Krauss


This is an interesting read. Krauss hits on a lot of the main science from the shows and whether those are plausible at all. It's refreshing to know that a lot of it isn't that far from possibility. Our technology is just not there yet and may not be for a long time, but it's interesting to know how these things may be put into effect. He touches on subjects like transporters, food replicators, warp-drive, anti-matter, phasers, alien life, and more. The only thing about this book is that it is over 20 years old now, so some of the physics theories may be more developed now or maybe even rebuked. Also, much of the book talks about semi-general cosmological ideas, so if you've read other pop-physics books like I have, some I had read many times before. Still worth reading, though.