A review by aplatt23
Peeled by Joan Bauer


I just love everything Joan Bauer writes, and this book was no exception. Reading her books is like a story from a friend. The story in Peeled is one that has been written many times - small-town high schooler takes on big-town journalist spreading corruption - and yet somehow this book has its own spin that was so nice to read.

Bauer subverts expectation throughout the books, subtly thwarting every trope. The first example of this is in the first few chapters, where the snobby girl gets sick and doesn't become festival queen, and there are many more throughout the book. During the school dance scene I was just waiting for the "miscommunication with love interest when protagonist dances with her ex" and it just never came. That trope has ruined book after book for me and Bauer never falls into it. It's beautiful to read.

The characters demonstrate this too. I didn't even realize until Hildy mentioned her ex how refreshing it is to have a high school girl character who has dated and been cheated on and generally been around the block a few times. Hildy never falls into the "I'm so Outcast and Specialâ„¢" trope. She sasses authority, she stands up for herself, she is assertive. She is real. She is the heroine I wish was written more often. I could go on and on. I've seen other reviews say the characters were underdeveloped and honestly, I completely disagree. I thought the characters got the amount of development they needed for the story. Since it was told from Hildy's perspective, the ones closest to her that she interacted with most or had meaningful relationships with were developed most. Others that she had acquaintance-level relationship with were less developed. That's good writing, people, not bad writing.

I'm off to find more Joan Bauer books, they always make me feel so happy.