A review by melbsreads
A Shadow's Breath by Nicole Hayes


Trigger warnings: car accident, blood, broken bones, domestic violence (off screen), death of a parent (in the past), alcohol abuse (in the past), bushfire,
Spoilersuicide of a parent, death of a partner

I sped through this in a couple of hours - I really enjoy stories that cut between the present and the past in alternating chapters as a story telling mechanism because it really keeps the story moving along. There's a lot of darkness in this book, but the main gist of it is that Tessa and her boyfriend Nick have been in a car accident in the middle of nowhere and they have to find their way back to safety through the Australian bush.

I found myself far more interested in that section of the story than in the "then" section, but it was still fast paced and compelling.

I will say that I had very little emotional reaction to the story where others have said that they cried a lot. So either I'm cold and dead inside (possible) or the fact that I read this so quickly meant that I didn't have any emotional investment in the characters. So...take your pick?