A review by kerry2046
Band of Angels by Robert Penn Warren


I am genuinely upset by how this book has disappeared from this day and age. I thought is was fascinating, some of the characters, although with bad streaks and moments, I liked for the way they came off the page, how they felt like real people. I never felt like it was just a character, these were people who made mistakes, people who I could relate to, who struggled to say and name how they felt, who struggled to find the right words. It didn't feel planned, the story and the dialogue felt natural. The main characters were wonderfully developed the ending felt as satisfying as it could be after all that had happened.

That's why I liked this book. They were humans. Confused humans. I felt like I was reading a wonderful story that transported me into a new world and perspective for me whilst also receiving a lesson in humanity and identity. The best books are where the characters a relatable even if they aren't human, are from an older time or different place in society. If I can feel how they feel or understand them, a book is a hit with me.

This book deserves so much more recognition as it is a real novel, well written. I don't regret buying it and will add it to my favourites. Once again, this needs to get more prints in circulation again because it's far more interesting and successful in its ability to speak to me on an emotional level than some of the poor bestsellers of this day and age (I'm looking at you Fifty Shades of Grey).

By the Way, I have recently watched the film after finishing this. So different from the book but I did love the film in it's own seperate way. They are practically two different creatures. A love story is the film, and I got a Hamish Bond I pictures mostly throughout the novel except for his final moments on the page. And I preferred Amantha in the film. Clark Gable really is a good Hamish!!!
But as I said, the book and the film are seperate creatures and I will forever look at them as seperate as I love them seperately. I really do! Just a couple of great stories!