A review by samhain
Sleepless #11 by Sarah Vaughn


As bad as I feel giving this issue a single star, I can't think of any reason not to. This series had two arcs, a complex world setting, tons of lore, what appeared to be several plots and mysteries intertwining with the main ones, characters who were quite different from those we usually see in comics in terms of culture and ethnies, but also in terms of roles and backgrounds (how often do we get a woman of color who is the outsider we're supposed to root for but also a powerful political figure, with allies just as strong as her enemies? How often do we get female main characters who aren't either super weak or way too Mary-Sue? Who are not "tomboys" nor femmes fatales? Young but not completely oblivious nor overly arrogant? I could go on and on, Poppy was so refreshing!!).

Yet, despite all those strong points, it completely failed to deliver. I have never read anything which missed the point so much. 100% of the issues raised during the course of the series deflated. 100%! The previous 10 publications were so good that I'm trying my best to explain my feelings and deception, but if I'm being honest with myself, the only review I can think of is:"much ado about nothing". Most of the questions raised by the subplots weren't answered, even those with strong links to the main character and her closest friends. What's the deal with the predictions made about Poppy's future? They were super grim but then... pif pouf magic! Everything's resolved! Why and how did Cyrenic manage to "wake up" when literally everyone who's ever drifted before was lost forever? How deep is this anti-monarchy organization implanted in Harbeny? Do they have agents in other countries, as well (since their boss wanted to avenge himself from Poppy's family, it'd make sense they'd attack her mom too, right?)? How did they manage to plot something so big with just a bunch of Sleepless and how did no one from their ranks question their "thoughtlessness" during the assassination's attempts? What the heck were their female counterparts doing during that time, except for braiding their hair? How did this dude recruit followers without raising suspicion? What the fuck does the king do?! Dude seems to be discovering everything that happens in his own CASTLE when Cyrenic asks for that stupid favor, how are we to believe he rules an entire country? How wasn't he more concerned about everyone's whereabouts and relationships when everything is a political mess and there's assassins ruining freely in his own corridors? What was that whole cavern crap about?? Why were we given a complex culture where believing Time to be some sort of deity granting people's powers (sleeplessness, healing magic, divination, etc.) lead to entire chunks of history to be erased, just to do nothing with this cool idea? How does it even work? The magic system is never explained, even though it has to be super duper powerful to grant life-saving magic, the gift of seeing the future in the stars, the capacity to erase entire lineages from history (although part of this seems to simply be due to the dictature and the fear of speaking against the throne's wishes/rules), and the possibility to infuse objects with some of its power (like Poppy's poppy head pin lol). It's like the biggest deal in the story, the one thing which could have explain tons of the lore and plot in just a few panels, but nope let's never ever touch it. And let's finish with a "we paid a twelve-year-old Twilight fanfiction writer to plot this finale issue", I'm sure the readers who followed a fantasy story with a complex world setting and magic system only want for the love story to go well (btw, they have zero chemistry ever since they got together...). Surely, they don't desire answers or even a point to the story, right? "Lol, I did it for love and my revenge was aimed at innocents" is super original, too. No one's ever done it before.

Anyway. I could go on and on, and I'm sure I sound really pissed off, but this ending doesn't deserve my anger. I'm just disappointed. Sleepless, more like sleeping on its own possibilities :)