A review by chrisistrangerthanu
Heirs of Empire by Evan Currie


4.5 I really enjoyed this book, far more than I expected to for 99c of price. It was engaging, politically intense and all the characters had levels of complexity. Mira was set up from the first moment that we see her as a tough character, a bit sadistic and dealing with some serious bitterness after the prologue. Brennan and Lydia were great too, very different and it was evident that the author remembered that they were only 14, so they acted irrationally at times. They also suffered their own amount of trauma.
I liked the multiple perspectives of the book more than I thought I would. Because they were short segments, it kept the action flowing and allowed multiple perspectives of the same situation. I found Corian's, Mira's and Brennan's POV to be the most entertaining. I generally avoid books with no love story, but I didn't even notice the lack in this book, I was enjoying myself so much. The science jargon was well balanced too, informative without laying it on too thick. I loved the idea of the skimmers and the technology was easy to picture, which isn't always the case in the sci-fi genre.
My only issues with the story and the reasons I can't give it 5 stars are due to the fact I wanted more information, a lot of the story felt uncompleted such Brennan's connection to Bene and the history of the metal. It bugged me a bit too much, but if there is a sequel, then I may revise this opinion.