A review by kellswitch
Lovecraft by Enrique Breccia, John Carpenter, Keith Giffen, Hans Rodionoff


A fascinating look at what if Lovecraft didn't make it all up.

The story was a bit hard to follow at times though for me some of that was becuase I was so distracted by the images. I felt fairly invested in the characters though, even the ones that weren't in the story for very long or given much background and the confusion I felt in the story actually helped with the story in the end since part of the concept seem to be, was this truly real or was he just insane?

I loved the use of the art and color to tell the story and differentiate between the "real" world and the world of Arkham, how the real world was mostly sepia toned, neutral and passive while Arkham was vibrant and colorful, chaotic and fantastic. I could spend forever studying the pages looking for hidden images and allusions.

For me this was a very successful adaptation of the Lovecraftian mythos, not an easy thing to do.