A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
No Place Like Home by Seanan McGuire


Next up for Short Story Saturday is No Place Like Home, the next story in the InCryptid series. It's number 0.03, which should tell you quite a lot about the number of shorts available. This short, along with so many others, is available for Seanan McGuire's Patreons.

Jonathan Healy knows a good thing when he's found it. In this instance, that would be Frances Brown. She's a stubborn, knife-totting carnie that thus far has been unphased by everything his life has thrown at her. That alone should be impressive.

So he's taking her home. The adventure that follows is a chaotic one because his family can't have a simple road trip. That would be too easy, especially given the day this story is set in.

This was yet another entertaining addition to the Jonathan/Fran story! I enjoyed their first adventure, but I feel like this is the one where I found myself actually getting attached to their characters. I'm hoping that feeling will grow as their stories continue!

Read more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks