A review by naveenpiedy
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett


When I read the back of the book, I expected more of a fish-out-of-water story set against an academic backdrop. Was expecting more along the lines of Mean Girls or Breakfast club with a focus on feminism.

Instead what I got is a Bad Ass'ian 9-Year-old who journeys from an obscure village in the mountains to the prestigious academy in the big city. And in a way, only 9-year-old girls and their unperturbed curiosity can manage to do so. Eskarina Smith makes for a fantastic protagonist. But it is Granny Weatherwax who absolutely steals the show. Her arc of stepping out of her comfort zone, and questioning her own beliefs and knowledge to care for Eskarina (in her own way) is what I enjoyed the most. While Granny is met with her own doubts, she has to put up a show of being in control and this leads to a lot of hilarious setups.

I enjoyed the humor here a tad more than I expected. I fully expected the parts of the book that expanded upon the lore to be sluggish but it was more bearable than I feared it to be.

While the book never divided deep into feminism (it is serviceable), I was nonetheless very well entertained. The story has got heart and it makes up for any shortcomings.

I liked it.