A review by jenny_reads_horror
The Camp by Karice Bolton


Oh man, I HATE giving any book a less than 4 star rating, and this was is even more heartbreaking :(
And I was soo looking forward to reading it too. Such is life, I guess, but it doesn't make it any easier. Let me start off by saying I have read all of the Witch Avenue books, so I am familiar with Karice Bolton's writing style. I LOVED them. LOVED. LOVED. LOVED. I think that is what makes this review even harder to write.
THE CAMP made me feel like I was reading the narration to a cheesy teen horror movie. Everything was rush rush rush, I felt like the characters were all over the place, and I'm sorry but maybe it is my age (I'm only 35 mind you) but who has time to be swooning over the hunk when they are running for their life??? Now before you bombard me with comments, I understand it IS a book, and Emma IS a teenager, but really? I'm scared to death because XYZ is happening all around me but all I can think about is how good Liam looks when he first rolls out of bed. And let me think about that multiple times throughout the book. And what about Tom? I'm still confused over what exactly they knew he did, other than bringing a strange man into camp, tying him up, keeping watch, then having the plane come and pick him up. I know the end of the book gives more info but it totally left me wondering and back tracking in the book just to see if I missed something. The ending was predictable, I had it figured out pretty early on. One other issue I had was the overuse of the word "and", a real pet peeve of mine. Sometimes using other words can really make the difference in the flow of a sentence.
Overall I am glad that I read THE CAMP. Would I read it again? Ehh, possible. Will I continue to read Karice Bolton's books? Definitely! I can't wait for SHATTERED SOULS and her Watcher's Trilogy is on my TBR list. Would I recommend it other readers? Sure would, even with a two star rating. I totally get that not every book is for every reader so while I felt the way I did about it, you may not get me at all and want to give it five stars.