A review by katherine27
The Female Detective by Andrew Forrester


This is the first I ever read of Andrew Forrester (or James R. Ware) and I wonder how it is his name is not more frequently mentioned in the genre (although I got an idea) Apparently these are the first stories ever published in English about a woman detective so that should give him some credit.

On the other hand they are not really detective stories but more memoires from a woman who was either really good at her job or just very, VERY nosy. In not one of the stories she is actually asked to investigate the following case, she just… goes there and starts sleuthing. And even though she says she’s paid for her services as a detective agent it never appears on the page. In several cases she just leaves the situation as it is (after finding out all about it) because she ‘feels’ it’s the right thing to do (woman! You annoy me)

This volume clearly is a collection of stories written over several years, rewritten and reworked to fit the title. Some are really good, ‘The Mystery’ is funny in a way none of the others were but over all there are no real surprises. Quite unsatisfactory as far as detective writing goes.

(I have to honestly add here that most detective story fans (me! me! pick me!) are of course outrageously spoiled by The Great Agatha Christie, which influences the way we look upon earlier works. And I plead guilty.)