A review by bookedandbusybookblog
Primal Instinct by Tara Wyatt


Colt Priestley is a dirty talking alpha man who has had a rough past. He is working independent contracts being he was fired from the bodyguard service he worked for. He heads to the bar one night to just forget himself in a one night stand. Little did he know that one night stand would be with Taylor. Instantly, he realizes there is some sort of connection and this will not be the first or last time he sleeps with her.

Taylor Ross is a reformed bad girl with a sassy attitude which works well for her. Taylor is currently trying to write a new album which is just not working out for her very well. While trying to come up with lyrics at a bar, she meets Colt and decides a one night stand may help her writers block. Just like Colt, she too has issues in her past that influence all of her decisions. She is not quite ready for a man like Colt but is going to be spending a lot of time with him as her was just hired to be her new bodyguard.

Between the creepy stalker, Taylor’s dangerous father, Colt’s past and nightmares, this is going to be one bumpy ride.

The prank war! The greatest part of the book!! I know Taylor and Colt’s relationship changed over the course of the book but the pranks should have continued!

Taylor and Colt really worked as a couple. Taylor was down to earth and Colt was just a little cocky but they really meshed well together. Their pasts really played into their relationship as they had an understanding for each other. And the sex….WOW!

Primal Instinct was a page turner and I enjoyed this story and finished this book in one sitting. It is not necessary to read book #1 in the series to understand what is going on with this couple. However, I will be checking out Necessary Risk, the first book in this series. I have definitely found a new author in Tara Wyatt!