A review by timothy_tiffany
The Green Book by Elizabeth Rogers, Thomas M. Kostigen



I firstly want to put this out there that there are good tips into this book, but that does not excuse the other baffling facts, comparisons, and swaps that were mentioned in this book. It was not a good book, especially if you have already been educating yourself on how to live more sustainably. I want to point out, specifically, some points that were completely wrong with this book. 

     1.  Firstly, the number of times that a topic would be brought up was annoying. Like I remember reading about paper clips like 3 times, all in DIFFERENT chapters, like I get it.
     2. The suggesting of using home remedies INSTEAD of prescription medication was wild and not necessary, AT ALL! A couple of the "tips" also contradicted themselves.
     3. A lot of the "tips" that were mentioned in this book could be wrapped up in a few tips like, use what you have first before buying more or new items, shop secondhand, or at least see if you can buy something secondhand before looking to buy that item new, and just try your best, since a lot of the tips mentioned, like with Chapter 11: building, because they were promoting changing your already built house and buying different materials for parts of the house that are already working. Like getting new windows, a lot of people cannot afford that.
     4. My last main point is that the comparisons, "if you did _, it would equivalate to_" were unnecessary, completely unnecessary. And a lot of the research was either poorly searched and/or poorly executed. Like the mentioning of recycling and only praising it, when a lot of people don't know how rigged and bad recycling is in the United States of America. The book did not bring that up the not pretty sides of trying to live more ecofriendly, especially when it promotes consumerism.

I don't know if I would recommend this book or just doing research yourself, this might encourage one to do their own research and question capitalism and consumerism. The book is repetitive, which makes reading it so slow, there isn't enough PROPER research in this book and has A LOT harmful comparisons to Africa, it is stereotyping. AND bringing in celebrity quotes was not interesting to me, while many might, I don't since many celebrities consume and use more than an average person. Anyways this was my review...not impressed by this book and I am so happy I got it for free.