A review by theglossreview
As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust by Alan Bradley


I‘m sorry to only be able to give this book 3 stars. I used to be so convinced that if one book was a 5 star read, every other book by the same author would be, as well. Explorations into different genres and target audiences by (even my favourite) authors have taught me otherwise. Even then, I still believed that each book within a series would be equally good, but now I notice that this is not the case with the Flavia de Luce series.

In „As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust”, Buckshaw and Flavia’s family are dearly missed. It contains a few gems of writing, but the plot drags on and I couldn’t wait to finish it. I was not fascinated by the mystery, nor the setting. It was quite unpleasant. The classic mysteries of “What’s going on in this creepy and mysterious school?” and “Is there a secret society at work here?” were poorly executed.

I’m sorry that I do not like this book anymore, since I realised the only good parts of it are a) Flavia de Luce and b) the writing, both of which are even better in other volumes of the series.