A review by mawmom
By the Light of the Moon by Laila Blake


Laila Blake takes fantasy and mixes it with her version of the paranormal, with fae, witches, blaidyn (think wolf shifter)set in an older period in time the world in By the Light of the Moon is one unlike any I have ever read before.

By the Light of the Moon has an interesting storyline and characters that are quirky and unusual. Ms. Blake builds a world with magic and mystery with our heroine having odd behaviours ahd questionable parentage and our hero is an older character who is a breed I think was created by Ms. Blake.

When I first started to read By the Light of the Moon I had a hard time following exactly who everyone was and what role they were to play, I felt that perhaps a bit of backstory or character introduction could have helped this. Through many plot twists and turns as well as more than one "bad guy" we do have an unique love story that over all was a good read.

I recieved this book in exchange for my honest review.