A review by siavahda
The Heretic's Guide to Homecoming: Theory by Sienna Tristen


~adventure to remake yourself
~creating new myths
~curiosity is a virtue
~find your voice
~perfect!book is perfect

What on Earth are you supposed to say in response to one of the most beautiful books you’ve ever read?

And how do I convince you all that you need to read it???

The Heretic’s Guide to Homecoming (Book One – the final instalment, Book Two: Practice, is forthcoming in just a few months!) is the kind of convention-defying, genre-fluid, unshelvable book that self- and indie-publishing exists for. It’s not neatly one thing or another; doesn’t employ common tropes or conform to a typical three-act structure; and tosses out any notion of traditional narrative conflict – all while using some of the most beautiful prose I’ve ever seen in my life.

I’d like to imagine that any literary agent or editor worth their salt would recognise this book as the exquisite masterpiece it is – but they wouldn’t have the first clue how to sell it, how to market it. It’s too far outside the trad-publishing box for them to make it fit into any neat little niche.

I’m so glad, and so relieved, that Tristen went ahead and published it anyway. The world would be a darker place without this book in it.

Ronoah is marked by the gods to be a trailblazer, an innovator, someone who is meant to change the world – in a culture that avoids conflict and change. That’s not a good mix, and it’s left its mark on him; Ronoah is crippled with anxiety and self-doubt, even as he runs as far out into the world as he can, looking for a way to be worthy of the goddess who chose him.

And runs smack into Reilin – charismatic, confusing, hypnotic Reilin, who is about to embark on a journey to the far-off, almost legendary Pilgrim State. And who invites Ronoah to come along.

Maybes as many as the stars.

Heretic’s Guide is mesmeric, a book that pours itself like stardust and jewels into the cupped hands of your heart. Every page is a poem and a paean; every word emblazons itself on the inside of your eyelids. Tristen’s prose belongs in calligraphic tattoos winding down your arms, soul-strumming quotes tucked into the insides of your wrists; you’ll find them in your dreams, gentle, gem-toned whispers that wake a sense of wonder in you you thought was lost.

This book is a promise that it was never lost at all.

Every Book a Doorway!