A review by booklovingmom_
Defending Hearts by Rebecca Crowley


I received this ARC in a Goodreads giveaway in exchange for my honest review.

Defending Hearts takes you on Oz and Kate's journey of having a relationship together and falling in love. The romance plot line itself runs along the lines of your typical romance, but the situations the couple are faced with brings up strong issues that some don't think about all the time. This story pulls hate crimes and religious differences into the mix and it highlights the problems with both of these things in society in a way that is informative while also pulling at the readers heart. Having to see Oz go through some of the things he faced really got to me, but it added a different dimension to the story that pulled me in.

Defending Hearts is a quick, fast paced romance that calls up religious differences and hate filled actions, great soccer descriptions and two dynamic character to create a great sports romance. I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who asks and can't wait to read more in this series!