A review by lyakimov
Obsidio by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman


I am so fucking dead right now. I’m screaming my head off. This is definitely one of the best series I’ve ever read it’s sososossosoosososo good I can’t even put it into words.

So my favorite characters have always been Nik and Ella and I was soooooo glad that the banter between them and the other characters continued. They were absolutely hilarious as always and i missed it so much!
I love that Ezra and Nik became friends and that Hanna and Kady and Ella were a trio it was amazing.

What I didn’t trust was that hoe named Rhys? Like okay first of all if your name’s Rhys you are automatically not to be trusted, second of all w h o a he was bad news the entire time. idk i just didn’t like him and i feel like Asha deserves better. So I was not too big on their love story.

I think the thing with this too is that we get a whole book focusing on Kady and Ezra, then a whole other focused on Hanna and Nik, so we fully know all of them. But since they’re all together the page time has to be split plus the thing with Asha and Rhys that has to have page time dedicated to it, there wasn’t much development/it didn’t seem so good as the other couples cuz we have such a short time to meet them, and I was definitely loving the cast of characters from the previous books and their story more cuz I thought that it was more interesting.

But oooooooh Kady/Ezra were great as always, total power couple. But my favorite romantic relationship in this series is Hanna and Nik and I’m sooooooo glad they are doing great and they’re all good and fantastic WOO go them.

OKAY BUT ONE OF THE BEST THINGS is how we find out that Nik IS THE VIDEO FOOTAGE GUY and so that sassy ridiculous guy narrating the whole thing is ACTUALLY NIK.
And I got to wondering like “dang wtf he’s really narrating those kiss scenes like THAT” and “...wait in Gémina he was talking about how he looked really good with his shirt off and stuff...” and like...he’s fucking putting that shit??
But then he actually addresses it and that was legit the funniest line in the book I was dying of laughter ughhhhhhhhh it was just so good.

I’ve got a lot more to say on this but I can’t remember any of it right now and so I’m just gonna finish this right here, it’s long enough lol