A review by ryanpfw
The Luna Missile Crisis by Jaime Castle, Rhett C. Bruno


Part of reviews involve the reading experience, which can be tilted by any number of factors. Maybe I was in a bad mood listening to this book. Maybe I was reading something else I really loved and by unfortunate comparison this didn’t click and I was upset I couldn’t be reading the first book? Something upset this ride, and I can’t put my finger on it.

What I do know is that the fault does not lie with Ray Porter. The man is a national treasure.

The plot is right up my alley. No issue there. Alternate history with a sci-fi twist? AND RAY PORTER?

Kyle drove me batshit bananas. I should associate with him. I tend to come down hard on people who harm me with their irresponsibility. Connor harmed his brother to a degree I can’t begin to comprehend, and yet virtually every line Kyle had for the first half of the book involved him snarling “damn it” as he slammed fists on the table. Excusable sentiment, but irritating as hell to read. Things did evolve over time, sure, but for whole swaths of this narrative I couldn’t stand anybody.

The plot was fine and I’d be intrigued to see where this goes from here, but I just had a hard time caring.