A review by hopesmash42
Dawn of the Dragons by James A. Owen


I will preface this by saying I actually only red the first book in this, Here There Be Dragons.

This book had a lot of promise. Usually I love stories that combine our world with fantasy. I also like stories that draw from myth and lore. This book definitely had those elements, but there was something lacking. It took me a while to put my finger on it but I think my main issue was lack of character development. There were a lot of characters introduced very quickly and there was no time provided to really get to know them. Charles is a perfect example of this, even by the end the only thing you really know is he's an Oxford scholar. It took me a while to get through this, which is also a bad sign. If I like a book I will devour it, and it took a lot of effort to want to read this. I will say that the last few chapters were quite good, by this point the author had found his stride. Unfortunately it just took a while to get there. I liked the overall storyline, but it didn't grab enough to want to read the other books in the series. As a one off it was fine, not sure where the sequels would take it. To sum up, I liked the concept, but the results were sadly underwhelming.