A review by happiestwhenreading
A Great Country by Shilpi Somaya Gowda


The opening chapter had me hooked - Priya and her husband are a dinner event with coworkers when she receives a phone call that her 12-year-old son has been arrested. As the case against their son unfolds, the author also examines the social, political, and judicial processes many of us take for granted as White Americans.

I thought Gowda explored the experiences of immigrants really well and there were so many things that gave me pause. I do know that there are many experiences I can never understand that people of color must navigate on a daily basis, so I really appreciate when an author can bring those thoughts, feelings, and situations to light. I had to reflect quite often how I would handle the same situation with my children - both as a White family and as a family of color. Each scenario changes the situation completely! This would make for such a great book club choice full of lively discussion!

The ending was wrapped up very nicely - maybe even a bit too tide. However, as I think about it, it didn't bother me enough to care. The themes and nuances were enough for me to reflect on that the ending really is a minor issue for me.