A review by nitzanschwarz
Tattoo Thief by Heidi Joy Tretheway


Okay, color me shocked.  I never really expected to like this book much.  Maybe that's mean of me (who am I kidding? It's  definitely  mean of me), but I just... I was wary. Still,  I'm a sucker for  the Rock Star x Normal Girl trope (and, if anybody knows of a book featuring this trope but opposite, please share), but it's also not a secret that  I've been disappointed by some of the so called best of the lot.

Tattoo Thief tells the story of Beryl , a twenty two years old woman who feels stuck in her job, so when her late dad's best friend shows up and offers her a job in NY, she takes it. And then her roommate deal falls off, and a  house sitting  gig falls in her lap...

And not just any house -  Gavin Slater's . Oh,  c'mon . Don't pretend you don't know who that is. Just the  hottest  lead singer in the hottest rock band alive - Tattoo Thief. He seems to have gone through some form of meltdown, though, and Beryl might be just the person to bring him back.

Now Beryl... she's a tough one for me.  I both loved her and hated her.  I loved the brave, takes-shit-from-no-one kind of girl she proved herself to be in New York. I loved that she looked at houses and saw  people , and that she often wanted to fix them. I liked her dynamics with  DanCharles  and  Jasper  (who is the most perfect doggie, ever!).

I didn't like her shameless snooping.  I didn't like that she went on that drive with Peter ( seriously?! ). And I supremely didn't like the  Lulu's Clothes  thing. It's a relatively small thing to be so putout by, but I couldn't suppress my distaste and disdain with the fact  she was wearing a dead woman's clothes.

Now the love story... I did feel like they fall for each other a bit too fast.  I mean,  I loved their email chats , but every conversation kind of ended with them mad at each other, so why are you also falling in love? But  they were cute . Even if  there was way too little of actual Gavin.

Stella ... Stella reminds me of Stella from winx club. Same type of person; self-centered, kind of boy-crazy, easily hurts her friends without noticing (and sometimes, definitely noticing but still does it). See what you did there, character? You made me draw Winx Club analogies. Shame on you!

I don't think I could've forgiven Stella if I were in Beryl's shoes ... though, she clearly uncovered something earth shattering about herself to Beryl at the end there to gain her forgiveness... and I can't wait to find out what! (Sadistic of me, I know)

And the  ending .. well,  I feel cheated ! I was reading along, my kindle telling me I still have 48 minutes in the book when BAM  the end  and turns out those 48 minutes are  previews  for the next book. Seriously?! Bad book, you fooled me!

I wanted more time with Beryl and Gavin just  being  Beryl and Gavin together!