A review by badseedgirl
Hater by David Moody


Let’s get a couple things straight. David Moody has written Zombie fiction, His novel [b:Autumn|8103876|Autumn|David Moody|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1429272451s/8103876.jpg|255391] is one of the most unusual takes on a zombie outbreak I have ever read, and if someone is looking for a good zombie read, I recommend that book.

1. Hater IS NOT A ZOMBIE BOOK. It is a zombie book like “28 Days Later” was a zombie movie.

2. In fact, on the surface Hater is a sort of spin off of 28 days later, you know without the rage infected monkeys, and from the infected point of view. But only on the surface. Hater IS NOT A 28 DAYS LATER RIP-OFF. The infected are not influenced by rage at all. They are infected with fear. Their entire “fight or flight” instincts are ramped up into overdrive and then their ability enact the “flight” response has been stripped away. The Haters perceive that they are fighting for their very lives and it is a kill or be killed situation.

3. NO ONE SHOULD LIKE Danny McCoyne. He is an anti-hero. Let’s face it, even before he is infected he was a bit of a tool. But that’s the point, we all know people like that. He is just your average douche bag. He is not a super douche or particularly evil.

Now that you have these three points in mind, go enjoy this book. I know I did.

PS this is book number 2 in my “2016 Lite N Fluffy Summer Reading List”

3 of 5 stars