A review by candacesiegle_greedyreader
Deranged: The Shocking True Story of America's Most Fiendish Killer by Harold Schechter


If you are looking for the kind of True Crime book that will make it hard to wipe that look of horror off your face, this is it. I'm new to Harold Schechter's work but thank God there's a lot of it because he's a master at this. His gift is finding really horrible crimes of the past and exploring them all over again.

"Deranged" is the story of Albert Fish, and yes, it really is shocking. You think you have lost that capacity? I hope you're wrong.

Fish, a wizened old guy with shabby clothes and a gray face, was responsible for the murders of at least seven children in the 1920s and '30s. What takes the story from that level of horror is Fish's own perverse mental illness and the extraordinary way it manifests itself. And despite all that, he married several times and fathered six children.

Schechter reports the story, which makes it bearable although using reports in 1930's tabloids is about as florid as it gets. "Deranged" is well done and highly recommended for anyone with a yen for historical true crime.