A review by moonchild720
Joyride by Anna Banks


I can’t believe that this is another book that took me almost a month to read. When I first started it, I wasn’t super into it to be honest. I could really connect with the characters or the story. As I got further into it, I got more into the story. I definitely wasn’t sucked in enough to just want to read it all the time though.

I really loved the Syrena Legacy by Anna Banks which is pretty much the only reason that I picked this book up. It sounded like it was right up my ally. And it was, for the most part. The thing that bothered me was the whole we must work to get out parents back thing. Now I don’t know that type of situation nor do I pretend to know but I think it’s wrong to put pressure of making and saving $60,000 on a 20 and 16 year old. Expect them to live in basically total poverty with next to nothing, just barely get by, work themselves to death, and send extra money back to Mexico? It really pissed me off when the mother would scold Carly for going to school and they would say things to her that one day she will make them proud. She was working so hard to try to make her family’s life easier and they were telling her school is a waste of time. That just didn’t sit well with me.

I also hated the sherif which was the whole point. His instant racism and hate for Carly and the rude comments he made right to her face was disgusting. If he was racist, fine he racist but you don’t need to be racist to someone’s face. He also didn’t even care that he was choking his son in front of some stranger. You could tell that he could do whatever he wanted and no one could do anything about it.

I was incredibly annoyed when Carly went to Julio about her information about El Libertador and he kicked her out. And exactly what she was afraid of happened. I’m sure that was what was going to happen the whole time. I’m not surprised about the turn of events that came from the whole thing though.

I thought Arden was super cute and adorable. He was very sweet though a little reckless and had no regard for the rules and consequences because nothing would ever happen to him. I really felt bad for him about pretty much everything. He has a piece of trash father, a mothers that isn’t truly there, and his sister is gone. It was really sweet of him to want to learn some Spanish.

Overall I did really enjoy this story once I actually got into it. I definitely didn’t enjoy it as much as the authors other books though.