A review by amdame1
Changing the Equation: 50+ US Black Women in STEM by Tonya Bolden


This is a compilation of over 50 biographies of Black women who have overcome incredible challenges in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field. They cover an incredible variety of contributions from surgery, robotics, space, video programming, etc from the past and present. There were many names that I had not heard of which is fantastic - give these women their long overdue recognition!
My biggest regret about this book is that there are typographical errors: in one entry, the person's name is Angie, but it is mis-spelled as Annie at one point; use of a non word "first-er". And my biggest issue was the reference to someone as petite with a specific height and weight. I think it is ok to call someone petite, but leave it at that so as not to engender body dysmorphia issues.
Text features include full color photographs, detailed source notes, selected sources, image credits, index